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BLESSINGS – Pressed Down, Shaken Together, and RUNNING OVER

Writer's picture: ACSACS

Updated: Oct 5, 2020

In years past, ACS has invited and encouraged parents and grandparents to visit, have lunch, and become an active part of Angleton Christian School. Students, especially the younger ones, always look forward to this special time with mom, dad, grandpa, and grandmother. COVID made us have to rethink how we could replicate those experiences while limiting visitors inside the building.

We MISS having these special visitors on our campus and needed to create some other opportunity that encouraged and provided interaction with loved ones.

What about a picnic under the trees? We have beautiful grounds with trees that could provide shade. Great idea, but we needed some picnic tables!!

As always, soon after making this need known, ACS families were there to exceed our needs. VERY quickly there were 10-12 offers for providing picnic tables. Shortly thereafter, deliveries began, and other families were asking if there were other needs. An offer of a much-needed ice machine came to fruition, and still other families willing to help as needed.

God BLESSES and PROVIDES for ACS through YOU!! ACS families are the most understanding, appreciative, and supportive group anywhere!!

THANK YOU!! Our prayer for you can be found in the promise made to us in Luke chapter 6 verse 38, Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

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