Athletics Mission
To collectively discipline and physically train students, and minister to coaches and others by acknowledging God’s glory while competing for Christ. Angleton Christian School believes that many valuable lessons and principles learned in the classroom, at home and at church can be implemented in a competitive athletics program. Athletics provide an opportunity to exercise the body and mind and to develop and use God-given talents in daily commitment to excellence. We believe that Christians are expected to give their best efforts in everything they do and we are committed to providing an environment that allows athletes to excel both as individuals and as members of a team. We are continuing to “train up a child” in our athletic program.

Cross Country
Grades: 6-12 (Co-Ed)
Coach: Breck Koelemay
Grades: 6-12
(Women only)
Coach: Suzy Ford

HS Basketball
Grades: 9-12
Coach: Khory Ross
JH Basketball
Grades: 6-8
Sloan Moyle
Track & Field
Grades: 6-12 (Co-ed)
Breck Koelemay